Glam gay bar miami beach

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We never want to short-change what is up and coming.'ĭressed in a smart, white suit, with a black bowler atop his shoulder-length hair, the 23-year scene veteran looks like a rock 'n' roll Tom Wolfe. But we always keep up with what younger bands are doing. 'They don't give a shit where this music came from, what the whole purpose was throughout different generations. 'Kids can only go back ten, maybe 15 years,' drummer 'Dirty' Dave Johns says about the local punk scene's short attention span. If you think more talk means less rock, it's time you tune into the Friendly Fire Network - the online home of Friendly Fire, Broward's newest glam-rock trio, political podcasters, and rock 'n' roll historians. So when they tear into provocative, power-pop tunes about the Iraq War and the Social Security crisis, their political angle comes as a surprise.

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Another, in a red-on-black suit-and-tie combo, slides a cold beer into the koozie attached to his.

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Flaunting her assets in a blood-red prom dress, a blond-locked musician wraps a feather boa around her mic stand. It's a recent Saturday night, and as the band sets up at Club M in Hollywood, there's a definite party vibe in the air.

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